Managing Tangible and Intangible Assets of a Hospital (with Srikar Yeruva)

A hospital has many assets that are needed in order to generate revenue for a hospital. Even though patients drive the revenue, the hospital needs assets such as cardiologist, MRI machines, beds, laptops, syringes, and so much more to generate revenue. Managing all the assets of a hospital is complex and that is where Pycube, Inc comes in as Asset & Item Chain Management Solution. In this episode, Alex Gramatzki is interviewing the CEO and Founder of Pycube, Srikar Yeruva.


From Nurse to Medtech Executive, to Investor, to Searcher (with Adriana Muñoz)


Dr. Eneida Roldan - COVID-19 Hotspots In the U.S. and How To Reach Herd Immunity